Sunday, January 26, 2020

Framework of research methodology

Framework of research methodology Introduction The purpose of this chapter is to describe the Framework of research methodology followed in this thesis in detail. The elaboration along with the discussion on various types of research will be discussed to explain the approach and methods for the presentation of research work. From the view point of many researchers that Research Methodology is a design process which consists of step by step approach leading towards the conclusion of substantial results. Based on different view point evaluation the researcher of this thesis project suggest that Research Methodology is just a design or step by step approach but its a complete frame work of components which consist of the following: Identify the problem Propagate the idea for possible solution / Brain Storming process Data Collection from the variable sources Evaluate the sample data Conclude the results Finalized the Theory In other words from one of the researcher provides his statements as â€Å"Research design provides the glue that holds the research project together. A design is used to structure the research, to show how all of the major parts of the research project the samples or groups, measures, treatments or programs, and methods of assignment work together to try to address the central research questions.† [] The Research Hypothesis Behind every research work there is certainly some hypothesis always involved, therefore in the same way there are many hypotheses are provided by the different researchers in various research papers about the research methodology, to provide elaboration under the light of those hypothesis the researcher has taken them over here as reference. â€Å"The research or scientific hypothesis is a formal affirmative statement predicting a single research outcome, a tentative explanation of the relationship between two or more variables. For the hypothesis to be testable, the variables must be operationally defined. The is, the researcher specifies what operations were conducted, or tests used, to measure each variables. Thus the hypothesis focuses the investigation on a definite target and determines what observations or measures are to be used† [Research methodology: techniques and trends by Dr. Y.K Singh and Dr. R.B Bajpai Book] The philosophy of the research methodology is to achieve the desired results, for which it is necessary to adopt certain steps, which is also known as Frame work of study. There fore the development in the research can be done. Many Researchers have argued that these research hypotheses by the researcher includes those assumptions which should be vital and in which the researcher views the world so that these assumptions will support the researcher strategy and methods he selected as a part of that strategy. Where as the research can done in various ways , based on the requirements of the thesis projects, but to streamline and to get the most out come of the research there should be a frame work of the thesis has to be adopted. [Self] â€Å"Such philosophies are considered as a tool to find the best way of having research done, and these philosophies enable the researcher to get a well balance conclusion† [Stiles, J. (2003) ‘A Philosophical Justification for a Realist Approach Qualitative Market Research: An International journal, Volume 6, Number 04] The Aims and Objective The aims and objective of this research is to produce a document over a Meta analysis on GPON and EPON technologies with the questionnaire based surveys. For this purpose a customized methodology / framework has been adopted based on the standards provided by the researcher for this nature of work. Types of techniques There are two types of research pattern techniques provided by the researchers one is called Qualitative research and the second is called quantitative research. Sinuff et al. (2007, p.105) defined Qualitative research as â€Å"A Qualitative research offers descriptive models of behaviour, social organization, and social interaction that can be used to improve behaviour and experiences. It is well suited to exploratory investigations of problems which about little are known†. According to Amaratunga et al. (2002), qualitative approach concentrates on words and observations to find a conclusion and it also attempts to design the people in the social sciences. On other side, quantitative research mainly is based on the numbers that represents the opinions and concepts about the particular research. They further argued that the richness and holism of qualitative data can provide strong support for revealing complexities in research process. Furthermore, the information for qualitative research is normally collected over a longer period of time therefore it makes researching more broad. According to Amaratunga et al. (2002) quantitative research design has been considered as appropriate for examining the behavioural component. It has been concerned with measuring the true value of the propositions. It allows the flexibility in examining the data, in terms of statistical analysis, comparative analyses and repeatability of data collection for confirming validity of the research. [Amaratunga Dilanthi, Baldry David, Sarshar Marjan and Newton Rita (2002) ‘Qualitative and Quantitative Research in the Built Environment: Application of â€Å"Mixed† Research Approach, Research Paper, 51(1): 17-31.] Web link: [;jsessionid=8AC83587644A027D31356889353AAD04?contentType=ArticlehdAction=lnkpdfcontentId=851373] Amaratunga et al. (2002) have summarized some of the strengths of quantitative research, which are shown as follows; Its process is quick and also economical. The subject under study is analyzed and observed independently. In quantitative research the comparison and replication is allowed. The reliability and validity can be obtained more objectively than the qualitative. In Quantitative research, data is collected from the large sample that may have a huge influence on the policy decisions. The subject under study is analyzed and observed by adopting the objective methods rather than just been focused on the subjectivity through sensation and reflection. [Amaratunga Dilanthi, Baldry David, Sarshar Marjan and Newton Rita (2002) ‘Qualitative and Quantitative Research in the Built Environment: Application of â€Å"Mixed† Research Approach, Research Paper, 51(1): 17-31.] [;jsessionid=8AC83587644A027D31356889353AAD04?contentType=ArticlehdAction=lnkpdfcontentId=851373] Research Approach (Qualitative Vs Quantitative) The research approach can be either Qualitative or Quantitative, whereas both have there advantages and disadvantages in different scenarios. A quantitative approach consists of the knowledge which will measure, describe and explain all the processes, this type of approach are applies to scientific researches, where the data is taken as sample and to obtain the results. A Qualitative approach is the one in which knowledge is tested to investigate, interpret and to comprehend the processes. In the below given table a comparison can be seen. Research techniques As in previous it is stated by the researchers that there are various techniques adopted to get the most output of the research work. There fore as in case of this thesis which is based on Meta analysis the following listed steps will be followed. Literature Review Questionnaire based Survey Survey Analysis Conclusion / Result set Data Collection, Surveys and Questionnaire Data Collection Methods Data can be collected for the research purposes in two methods, primary data collection and secondary data collection, which are defined below: Primary Data In this kind of research the researcher has to collect all the information related to the topic, by interacting himself with different professionals related to the research topic. Data can be collected for various reasons, such as doing research from the organisations perspective, where the researcher has to carry out interviews and prepare questionnaires that are useful to obtain relevant information (). Primary research can be very hectic and time consuming as the researcher has to attain the knowledge from the people who are indirectly or directly related with the topic which is being researched. The reason for not to use primary research is because retail sector is very vast sector, and requires thorough understanding of its operations. Primary research need to be carried out when there are lack of information available through secondary research, which can be obtained thorough primary research by conducting telephonic interviews, mailed questionnaires or by focus group that is a nother reason why the researcher choose the method of secondary research to gather all the relevant information. [Quinton, S. and Smallbone, T. (2006), postgraduate research in business: a critical guide, London: Sage publications] If the research is of primary data collection then there are two types of observations, participants observations which is more emphasis on qualitative and the second is structured observations which is more attached to quantitative (). [Saunders, M. Lewis, P. and Thornhill A. (2000), Research Methods for Business Students, 2nd Edition, England: Pearson Education] Participant And Structured Observations â€Å"Participant observation is a major research strategy which aims to gain a close and intimate familiarity within a group of individuals, and their practices† (wikipedia, 2007). Their intensive involvement is also required with the people in their natural environment. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10th dec 2006]. Collection Of Primary Data Use of interpersonal interviews and purposeful questionnaires are the most authentic ways of collecting data unlike observations and case studies, which makes the data more reliable and realistic. In collection of primary data use of questionnaires and interviews help to make the research more significant [Saunders, M. Lewis, P. and Thornhill A. (2000), Research Methods for Business Students, 2nd Edition, England: Pearson Education]. In primary data collection the researcher has to interact with individuals or groups in order to obtain required data, which is not being collected before and is exclusive. [Quinton, S. and Smallbone, T. (2006), postgraduate research in business: a critical guide, London: Sage publications] Collection And Design Of Questionnaires Design of questionnaires should be precise and understandable. Before giving feedbacks everyone would like to know who you are (having contact numbers or address), what type of research you are doing and what will be the outcomes. The list of questions should appear clear and not very lengthy, try to make answerer not to work hard and except giving long answers they can carry on with simple ticks, or circles []. [Brent, primary data collection methods, [online], Available at:]. According to Bryman: (2003: pp. 161, Bryman, A. and Bell. E. (2003), â€Å"Business research methods†, New York: Oxford University Press.), it is necessary to keep in mind that the questions which are being prepared for the research, should be asked in different ways, such as: Personal questions, which include the private information from the participant like age, gender, etcetera (2003 pp. 161-164, Bryman, A. and Bell. E. (2003), â€Å"Business research methods†, New York: Oxford University Press). Factual question but this includes the information about others. Informer factual questions which includes the information other then private. Questions about what the respondent beliefs regarding certain aspects are. Question about attitudes are very common in asking for the research information (Bryman, 2003 pp. 161-164). Questions about topic mean that whether participant has the knowledge and experience regarding specific area or not (Bryman, 2003 pp. 161-164). [Bryman, A. and Bell. E. (2003), â€Å"Business research methods†, New York: Oxford University Press] Advantages And Disadvantages Of Primary Data Collection It is also advantageous if data is being collected by the use of primary research. Keeping in view that it could only happen if the sample questionnaire is simple and relevant, and there is no replication or irrelevancy in questionnaires. Disadvantages include the expensive procedure having time constraint. There is also a possibility of participants being bias when answering the questionnaire which may result in data being misinterpreted. Secondary Data Secondary data collection is a kind of research where there is no need for the researcher to be involved directly or physically with the live experiences. In this research the data is available in different forms such as printed material or electronic versions and contain all the past experiences, experienced by individuals or organizations. Comparatively secondary data collection is much easier and hassle free for the researcher who wants the research to be based on past experiences (Quinton, 2006: pp. 67-69). According to research compliance (no date) â€Å" Data, documents, records, or specimens that have been collected, or will be collected solely for non-research purposes and are in existence prior to the beginning of the study†. Resources Of Secondary Data For the collection of secondary data research there are various indefinite resources through which information can be collected. The researcher must be using the data which is being collected prior to do the research and may be used for some other reasons before. The most commonly resources from which data could be collected are: newspapers, magazines, articles, journals (manuals and e journals both), financial reports and some internal organisational documents could be a part of secondary data. Data Collection Techniques Techniques tell us by what means the data will be collected. Following section shows the methods used by the researcher to collect data. Multiple sources.( different societies) Survey data (statistical census reports and governmental data) Multiple Sources While working on this dissertation the researcher had gone through some of the Vendor based white papers to have more clear idea of the technology, also gone through the Research papers provided by the various researchers. Survey Data Survey data means what so ever information or data being collected prior to the research from any specific resources, like literature or review being published could be used as a part of secondary data collection Collection Of Secondary Data While the data is gathered from secondary sources, it is not always possible to fulfill all the desired results, that a researcher is expecting as these informations can be published for some other purposes, but have some-what relevance to the work on which researcher is working, so these datas can benefit the researcher (Saunders et al. 2000: p. 200). When gathering data from news papers, there is likelihood that news papers can have some printing mistakes, it is very rare that they publish some reports which might be proved wrong in future; even then news papers are and will always be a great resource of secondary data. With web links, some of the websites are amendable by anyone, in that case the research can be affected because data is not authenticated (Saunders et al, 2000). Advantages Of Secondary Data There is no doubt that Secondary research is more advantageous as described by Ghauri et al: (1995) [] that, in search of solution of the research questions and aims, secondary data enables the researcher to gather existing data through various resources, in desired amount of money and time. Secondary data take less time in analysis and give more chance to think about synergy. Whereas, Steward and Kamins: (1993) [] argues that in comparison with primary data secondary data is the most quickest way of gathering knowledge, and seems to be the more viable alternative and is of high quality in nature and easier to measure. [Ghauri et. al., (1995, citing in Saunders et al. 2000), research methods for business students, England: Pearson Education limited.] [Karmins and Stewarts, (1993, Cited by Saunders et al. 2000), research methods for business students, England: Pearson Education limited.] Disadvantages Of Secondary Data According to Denscombe (1998), â€Å"there are some disadvantages of choosing the secondary based research, the data, which is being used, may be of old version and not reflect objectives and research questions.† In other words this method can also be inappropriate because the data collected may have interpretations that are not exactly following the said topic aims. Resources Used Secondary based research is comprised on the data which is previously available via different acknowledged resources, therefore the researcher come across to different reliable resources in order to collect the relevant data such as: Resources for e-journals Business Process Management Journal, Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management ) Emerald (articles) Search Engines Google advance search. Google ( scholar search, online books and Literature) Books. Articles. Magazines. Professional in the field of Network Access Technology [Saunders, M. Lewis, P. and Thornhill A. (2000), Research Methods for Business Students, 2nd Edition, England: Pearson Education] [Denscombe (1998, Citing by Saunders et al. 2000), research methods for business students, England: Pearson Education limited.] [Ghauri et. al., (1995, citing in Saunders et al. 2000), research methods for business students, England: Pearson Education limited.] [Bryman, A. and Bell. E. (2003), â€Å"Business research methods†, New York: Oxford University Press] [Brent, primary data collection methods, [online], Available at:]. [Quinton, S. and Smallbone, T. (2006), postgraduate research in business: a critical guide, London: Sage publications]

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Views On Womens Roles History Essay

An mean adult female in the fifth and 6th centuries of the Byzantine Empire did non hold a large function in public society.[ 1 ]In fact, it was common for her to non be seen in public at all. It was standard for Byzantine adult females to acquire married around 12 to thirteen old ages old due to an ordered matrimony chosen by her parents. Once married she spent most of her clip at place. Occasionally a adult female was allowed to go forth her place to go to to church, festivals, matrimonies, births, visit dealingss, or travel to public baths. These were the lone activities in society acceptable where a adult female could to go forth her house.[ 2 ]However, if a adult female must venture outside, she must hold her face covered by a head covering at all times and be accompanied by a adult male. Though head coverings were seldom shown in Byzantine graphics, this was a societal criterion for adult females. The erosion of head coverings frequently represented the difference between an ho norable adult females and a cocotte.[ 3 ] Even in her ain place, a Byzantine adult female had to digest gender inequalities. During repasts she was non allowed to dine with work forces foreign of her dealingss. More frequently than non, she would be eating entirely separate from work forces.[ 4 ]For her instruction, she was taught accomplishments merely utile for a house married woman. If a adult female was in in-between to upper category, she was normally taught to read, compose, and sing.[ 5 ]Womans of royalty nevertheless, were given the chance to analyze medical specialty and natural scientific disciplines with bookmans in their tribunals.[ 6 ]However instruction was normally 2nd quality compared to the instruction given to work forces. Womans could easy be described as â€Å" cloistered as captives, † though her prison walls were merely the unseeable judgements and regulations cast by society.[ 7 ] Most adult females could non take part in political relations. A adult female could non even attest in tribunal for fright that her testimony would be easy influenced by her hubby or brother. It is merely in rare instances where a adult male was non involved that a adult female could attest.[ 8 ]Despite what small influence and regard adult females had in public society, through place life a adult female could still easy act upon her ain hubby, boies, brothers, and other male dealingss in her place life.[ 9 ]This influence could be subtle in a little Byzantine household or highly considerable if she was the married woman of the emperor. Unlike work forces who could lift up to a political place through military, or the church, for a adult females to derive political power she had either be born or marry into nobility. Born in 399 A.D, Empress Pulcheria was the eldest girl of Emperor Arcadius.[ 10 ]She was a devoted Christian that paved her manner into power through her influence over her younger brother Theodosios II. She finally received the rubric of Augusta ( Empress ) which was the highest place a adult female of relation to the Emperor could draw a bead on to.[ 11 ]Pulcheria was merely two old ages older than Theodosios II but had a great influence over him all his life. Though Pulcheria was the eldest Born into royalty, she did non hold much power as she would if she had been born male. Even with this gender disadvantage, she was highly intelligent. At the age of 16, she swore a vow of celibacy and besides influenced her younger sisters to make the same.[ 12 ]This was a manner to prolong power that would be lost if she was forced into matrimony every bit good as halt the competition to her brother ‘s throne.[ 13 ]The concluding she gave for her actions was due to her Christian destiny, comparing the Virgin Mary as her celestial opposite number.[ 14 ]Figure 1 depicts an ivory alleviation known as The Translation of Relics Ivory dating around the twelvemonth 420 A.D.[ 15 ]and was acquired by the Trier Cathedral in 1844.[ 16 ]The carving step 13.1 ten 26.1 ten 2.3 centimeter and has been cut to a deepness of 2 centimeter[ 17 ]. The Byzantines loved tusk and normally imported it from India and Africa. The tusk of this specific piece has been speculated to hold been imported from Africa do to its larger size.[ 18 ]The Translation of Relics Ivory depicts a emanation of people in the streets followed by two priests siting a chariot pulled by mules. Leading this emanation is an Emperor keeping a taper and ready to have the relics is an Empress keeping a cross in forepart of church doors. In the background are looker-ons heartening beckoning incense and a church which is still under building, still being complete for the relics to be topographic point into. For many old a ges, the supporters in this alleviation have been unidentifiable. Historians have compared the lives of Justin II, Maurice, and Phocas and their married womans but found no historical grounds which relates them to this scene.[ 19 ]In the late seventies, The Translation of Relics Ivory has been identified by historiographers, Kenneth G. Holum and Gary Vikan that the characters in this alleviation are likely Empress Pulcheria, her brother Emperor Theodosios II and the relics given are the castanetss of Saint Stephen. The historiographers deducted this from written grounds of a chronicler of the 9th century named Theophanes Confessor. In his narration he wrote: Under the influence of the blest Pulcheria, the pious Theodosius sent a rich contribution to the archbishop of Jerusalem for distribution to the needy, and besides a aureate cross studded with cherished rocks to be erected on Golgotha. In exchange for these gifts, the archbishop dispatched relics of the right arm of Stephen Protomaryr, in the attention of St. Passarion†¦ [ Pulcheria ] arose taking her brother with her and went to recognize the sanctum relics. Receiving them into the castle, she founded a glorious chapel for the sanctum Protomartr, and in it she deposited the sanctum relics.[ 20 ] The narrative matched absolutely with the description of The Translation of Relics Ivory every bit good as another found narration which proved that the castanetss of Saint Stephen had in fact appeared outside Jerusalem that clip in December 416 and subsequently went under control of the bishop.[ 21 ]The church under building is believed to be a church of St. Stephen.[ 22 ]An interesting item to The Translation of Relics Ivory is the composing of the piece. The full focal point of the image is on Pulcheria instead than the Emperor Theodosios II, her brother. Even Theodosios ‘ alleviation is still a spot further back than hers, as he is standing right following to her. This is a immense representation of Pulcheria ‘s power as she is the centre of attending opposed to the Emperor himself. In her life-time, Pulcheria had commissioned several new churches, most dedicated to her frequenter saint the Virgin Mary. It was good known that Virgin Mary profoundly impacted her life to remaining openly celibate for God. However during the 5th century the Virgin Mary was non a major figure in Constantinople.[ 23 ]Her pick for the Virgin Mary as her frequenter was non to progress adult females but merely acquire rid of the stigma that adult females were the â€Å" expletive of Eve † , a expletive which claimed that adult females where responsible for original wickedness.[ 24 ]It was besides due to Pulcheria ‘s influence that the Virgin Mary would be once more be known non merely as the â€Å" Mother of Christ † ( christotokos ) but the â€Å" Mother of God † ( theotokos ) when the statement was overturned.[ 25 ]Pulcheria ‘s most well-know church to the Virgin Mary is the Church of Saint Mary of Blacherne, which has besides been depicted in literatu re with names such as the Panagia of Blachernae and the Blachernae Monastery. The church started building in 450 A.D. and was finished by her hubby Marcian after Pulcheria ‘s decease in 453 A.D.[ 26 ]The church was built around a preexistent sacred spring called the Ayazma of Blacherne.[ 27 ]It is besides said that Christians of Jerusalem had contributed a robe that belonged to the Virgin Mary as a relic for the church,[ 28 ]though other beginnings province that the robe was stolen.[ 29 ]Figure 2 shows the church before its 2nd fire, and Figure 3 shows the current modern church after being rebuilt. The church focused around images of the Virgin Mary, which led to much devastation of its icons during the reign of Constantine V.[ 30 ]The church foremost burnt down in 1070 from a fire but was rebuilt once more utilizing its old floor programs.[ 31 ]The church was wholly burned down yet once more in 1434, this clip from a careless fire caused by kids trailing pigeons on its roofs. [ 32 ]By the clip Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453, the Church of Saint Mary of Blachernae no longer existed and the people of Constantinople had to turn to different mediums for the protection Virgin Mary ‘s icons.[ 33 ] Figure 3 shows Icon of the Virgin Blachernitissa. In 626 A.D. , the Blachernitissa was credited for the protecting the metropolis from an Avar onslaught every bit good as an Arab besieging in 717. Thus this relic ‘s repute grew to be known as a powerful Byzantine amulet of protection and was kept in the Church of Saint Mary of Blachernae.[ 34 ]Though the figure caput of this icon was a adult female, it had immense fear. The term Blachernitissa was a type of representation of the Virgin Mary named after the Church of Saint Mary of Blachernae.[ 35 ]The icon shows Mary within it and was held in the Church of Saint Mary of Blachernae. The piece was besides within the church during its 1434 fire and was thought to be destroyed. It was a amulet that represented the protection of the metropolis ‘s walls.[ 36 ]Its absence was believed to be the ground why the Ottoman Turks succeeded their invasion merely 19 old ages subsequently. The twelvemonth 730 was the start of the first iconoclastic period lasing until 787.[ 37 ]It started with Emperor Leo III, who reigned from 717-740. The Iconoclasts believed that icons where immorality and led to the misunderstanding of the Catholic faith. As the Iconoclasts resorted back into symbols and Bible, they tore down icons, believing them as unorthodoxy to their faith. When Leo III died in 740, his boy Constantine V continued the prohibition of during his reign in 741-775.[ 38 ]It was during Constantine V ‘s reign, that the Church of St. Mary of Blachernae was attacked by image breakers. Constantine V ordered the devastation of the interior mosaics that represented a New Testament rhythm and replaced them with vegetational decorations and images of birds.[ 39 ]It was fortunate nevertheless that the Icon of the Virgin Blachernitissa was hidden from devastation at this clip. This first Iconoclastic period was stopped by Empress Irene. Irene acted in the name of her boy Constatine VI, who was excessively immature to govern at the clip. She created and ordered the Second Council of Nicea, which supported Iconophiles.[ 40 ]As Iconophiles, they believed that images were besides stand foring their faith and they were non incorrect in utilizing them. The Council condemned the resistance to icons as unorthodoxy. It is through Irene ‘s actions of the resurgence of icons that she earned the rubric of Saint in the Grecian Orthodox Church. The 2nd iconoclastic period lasted 814-842. This clip it was Emperor Leo V ( reigning from 813-820 ) who instated this new moving ridge of iconoclasm. It was speculated that it was to bring around the recent military failure. Emperors Michael II and Theophilus who succeeded him were besides image breakers. However after Theophilus died, he was succeeded by his boy Michael III. Michael at the clip was excessively immature to reign so his female parent Theodora acted as a trustee for him. Similar to Irene, Theodora was an iconodule and was able to proclaim the Restoration of icons. Now of all time since the resurgence of icons, the first Sunday of Lent is celebrated as the â€Å" Triumph of Orthodoxy. † Figure 4 shows the Icon of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, a picture that was painted on a wooden panel covered with gesso and linen. Its medium was egg poster paint and gold foliage.[ 41 ]The centre of the picture is a portrayal of the Virgin Mary, said to be painted by St. Luke. Empr ess Theodora and her boy, Emperor Michael III, appear on the left of the portrayal. On the right are three monastics with the Patriarch Methodios. This picture was painted more than 500 old ages after the terminal of iconoclasm during the clip when the Byzantine Empire was under menace of invasion by the Ottoman Turks.[ 42 ]Again as it is non normally common for a adult female to be in the picture, Empress Theodora is shown following to her boy in royal robes. Though she is non following to them, Theodora is shown at the same degree as the bishops. In the centre of the picture is the Blachernitissa, the Virgin Mary and kid. The Virgin Mary was a famed icon of her adult female position. It is non surprising that Irene and Theodora were iconophiles. Since the mean Byzantine adult female was housebound for the bulk of their lives, most had a particular dedication to spiritual patterns affecting icons.[ 43 ]It might be due to their life manner that adult females where the most affected when their cherished icons where taken off. The influence adult females had and their dealingss to art during the Byzantine Empire shown to be really of import. It is through the influence of the empresses Pulcheria, Irene and Theodora that impacted graphics despite a judgmental and men-driven environment that shadowed their lives. It is as intriguing and influential as the plant themselves that these adult females were able to act upon the Byzantine populace and the graphics.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

What the Pros Arent Saying About Write My Essay Research Paper and How This Affects You

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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Debunking Ring a Ring a Roses

There is a myth that the British children’s rhyme Ring a Ring a Roses is all about the plague—either the Great Plague of 1665-6 or the Black Death centuries earlier—and dates from those eras. The words describe the contemporary practice in treating it, and refer to the fate so many befell. The Truth The earliest known use of the rhyme is the Victorian era, and it almost certainly doesn’t date back to the plague (any of them). While the lyrics can be interpreted as being loosely connected to death and disease prevention, this is believed to be just that, an interpretation given in the mid-twentieth century by overeager commentators, and are not a direct result of plague experience, or anything to do with it. A Children’s Rhyme There are many variations in the words of the rhyme, but a common variant is: Ring a ring a rosesA pocket full of posesAtishoo, AtishooWe all fall down The last line is often followed by the singers, usually children, all falling down to the ground. You can certainly see how that variant sounds like it might be something to do with the plague: the first two lines as references to the bundles of flowers and herbs which people wore to ward away the plague, and the latter two lines referring to illness (sneezing) and then death, leaving the singers dead on the ground. It’s easy to see why a rhyme could be connected to the plague. The most famous of these was the Black Death, when a disease swept across Europe in 1346–53, killing over a third of the population. Most people believe this was the bubonic plague, which causes black lumps over the victim, giving it the name, although there are people who reject this. The plague was spread by the bacteria on fleas on rats and devastated the British Isles as much as continental Europe. Society, economy, and even war was changed by the plague, so why wouldn’t such a massive and horrifying event have ingrained itself into the public consciousness in the form of a rhyme? Robin Hood’s legend is about as old. The rhyme is linked to another outbreak of plague too, the Great Plague of 1665-6, and this is the one which was seemingly stopped in London by the Great Fire burning a huge urban area. Again, there are surviving stories of the fire, so why not a rhyme about the plague? One common variant in the lyrics involves ashes instead of atishoo, and is interpreted as either cremation of corpses or skin blackening from the diseased lumps. However, folklorists and historians now believe that the plague claims date only from the mid-twentieth century, when it became popular to give existing rhymes and sayings older origins. The rhyme began in the Victorian era, the idea it was plague-related began only a few decades ago.  However, so widespread was the rhyme in England, and so deep in children’s consciousness did it lodge, that many adults now connect it to the plague.